AIFO 1989, 4 : 3-8

Die Abschätzung der Effektivität von Barriere-Methoden zur HIV-Prävention (Assessing the Effectivity of Barrier Methods for HIV Prevention)

Knut M. Wittkowski

Institut für Medizinische Biometrie der Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen

Abstract: Efficiency of prevention strategies is determined by failure rate and compliance. Under realistic assumptions on sexual behaviour and fertility the failure rate of a barrier method (condom and/or spermicide with nonoxinol-9) can be estimated to be as low as 1%-3%. Unless compliance is higher than 90%, efficiency is mainly determined by compliance and less affected by the failure rate. Thus, a method with a possibly higher failure rate has to be recommended if the 'better' method might not be used with the same compliance.

Keywords: HIV, AIDS, prevention, nonoxynol-9, condom


Requests for reprints to: Knut M. Wittkowski Department of Medical Biometry, Eberhard-Karls-University, Westbahnhofstr. 55, D-72070 Tübingen, Germany,

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  2. FLORENCE N (1977) Das kontrazeptive Vaginal-Suppositorium. Ergebnisse einer klinischen Fünfjahresstudie. Sexualmedizin 6
  3. HEARST N, HULLEY SB (1988) Preventing the heterosexual spread of AIDS: are we giving our patients the best advice? JAMA 259
  4. WITTKOWSKI KM (1988) Über die Bedeutung von Detergentien für die HIV-Prophylaxe unter Heterosexuellen. (On the impact of detergents on HIV prevention strategies for heterosexuals.) AIDS-Forschung 3

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